SpeedFlying (SpeedRiding) (Спидфлаинг, Спидрайдинг) - совершенно молодой спорт. Ему всего 3 года. Хотя многие и называют старт со склона - 'изобретением велосипеда' но мы то точно знаем, что это не изобретение, а эволюция среди двух видов спорта - парапланерного и парашютного. Суть спорта - скользить на крыле вдоль склона, проходя воздушные ворота высотой всего 1.5 метра огиная рельеф склона на скоростях свыше 100 км/ч. Здесть есть свой даунхилл, слалом, кросс-кантри и фрирайд. На данный момент спорт насчитывает около двух тысяч спортсменов и учеников, а производители считаются уже десятком. Есть у спорта еще одна изюминка - всесезонность. Летом спортсмены совершают полеты с ног, а зимой летают с лыжами, сноубордами или ски-бордами. Speed-Fly SpeedFly SpeedFlyer Speed-Flyer SpeedFlying Speed-Flying Speed-Ride SpeedRide SpeedRider Speed-Rider SpeedRiding Speed-Riding Speed-SpeedFlyingide SpeedSpeedFlyingide SpeedSpeedFlyingider Speed-SpeedFlyingider SpeedSpeedFlyingiding Speed-SpeedFlyingiding SWOOP GL Ground Launching New mountian sport!
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Switzerland-France Trip

The First part - Swiss, 12-17 September 2008

The first place for wall speedflying is locate in Switzerland. Small town Murren located on the western side of the valley Lauterbrunnen. The difference in elevation of 800 meters. In town Myurren have two ways: cable car, which is start locate near landing area and train road, which rises above the town of Lauterbrunnen.

Lauterbrunnen Valley is one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland, and in combination with flights along the walls, where there are several waterfalls shimmering not you get the impression of the first part of this trip!


In addition to passing the course flight in a beautiful place, you can become familiar with the surprising and original architecture Murren town to visit the famous restaurant Schilthorn (Piz Gloria), 2940 Meter, where shooting episode of the movie James Bond 007!

Training Center SPEEDFLYING.RU organizes you reside in Gimmelvalde, this intermediate station between green fields near Lauterbrunnen and our take-off areas in Murren.

First part trip coast: aprox $600 (transfer from Zurich Airport, Hostel, Instructor's work)

France, St. Hilaire (near Grenoble)

The second part of trip - St. Hilaire, 19-25 September 2008

St. Hilaire is village in the French Alps. The village is located on the western side of the valley. This is a place where COUPE - ICARE Festival flights, and the exhibition showcases speeches paragliding and hand gliding equipment.

St. Hilaire

The difference in elevation of 1000 meters. Height of landing area is 200m ASL. One of the features of this place - Funicular! Funicular delivers you from the site, a specially equipped for the landing, at an altitude of 1000 meters in the village, which is the take-off area, which is ideal characteristic flat surface covered with rugs!

Accomodation - camping near take-off area.

Trip coast: 300 euro (transfer from Lion Airport, camping, instructors work)

Aeros SpeedFlyingПарашютный порталПортал парашютных новостей Парапланерный клуб - "Бриз". Коктебель.