SpeedFlying (SpeedRiding) (Спидфлаинг, Спидрайдинг) - совершенно молодой спорт. Ему всего 3 года. Хотя многие и называют старт со склона - 'изобретением велосипеда' но мы то точно знаем, что это не изобретение, а эволюция среди двух видов спорта - парапланерного и парашютного. Суть спорта - скользить на крыле вдоль склона, проходя воздушные ворота высотой всего 1.5 метра огиная рельеф склона на скоростях свыше 100 км/ч. Здесть есть свой даунхилл, слалом, кросс-кантри и фрирайд. На данный момент спорт насчитывает около двух тысяч спортсменов и учеников, а производители считаются уже десятком. Есть у спорта еще одна изюминка - всесезонность. Летом спортсмены совершают полеты с ног, а зимой летают с лыжами, сноубордами или ски-бордами. Speed-Fly SpeedFly SpeedFlyer Speed-Flyer SpeedFlying Speed-Flying Speed-Ride SpeedRide SpeedRider Speed-Rider SpeedRiding Speed-Riding Speed-SpeedFlyingide SpeedSpeedFlyingide SpeedSpeedFlyingider Speed-SpeedFlyingider SpeedSpeedFlyingiding Speed-SpeedFlyingiding SWOOP GL Ground Launching New mountian sport!
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Training in Crimea Mountians

Our center at Mountian Uzun-Syrt (Crimea, Koktebel) provides training for those who wish to fly without a skydiving or paragliding experience. We perform exercises to improve the skills already able to fly at the speedgliders and high-performance skydives canopies from the slopes.

The initial course for those who have minimal experience paragliding flights, or not quite Flying:

  • Canopy aerodynamics and site aerology

  • How to check your gear before inflate wing

  • Ground Handling (Kiting)

  • Launching triks and methods

The course is targeted at 10 days with 3-4 days to spare weather.

Course include:

  • Lodging and transfer to the slopes;
  • Theoretical and practical exercises;
  • Rental equipment, a harness and wings;
  • Radiostation equipment;
  • Protective gear.
  • Wi-Fi Internet.

Course coast: 500 EURO (-10% for group from 5 pilots)

Course for paragliders and skydivers with advance experience:

  • Features of aerodynamics and influence of aerology
  • Preparation and checking equipment
  • Ground Handling (Kiting)
  • Physics and technology of launching in different meteo
  • Bladerunning - slip along the slope, the theory and practice

The course is targeted at 5 days with 2 days to spare weather

Also as begginers cource, it include:

  • Lodging and transfer to the slopes;
  • Theoretical and practical exercises;
  • Rental equipment, a harness and wings;
  • Radiostation equipment;
  • Protective gear;
  • Wi-Fi Internet;

Course coast: 300 EURO


Advance course for training before trip to Big Mountians

  • Big Mountian and cliff's aerology
  • Kiting on a cliff's take off area
  • Quick launching
  • Landing to short landing area
  • Take-off area select

Course coast: 100 EURO

We are located in the place of Republican Hand Gliding Club and Paragliding club "Breeze" where at your disposal, there are two bars, camping, living rooms with separate shower with hot water.

In addition, you can settle in Koktebel, next to the sea, and to our flights, you can travel by taxi with special prices or your own car. Prices of hotel from 10 euros a day.


You can order training slot by:

e-mail: [email protected]
SKYPE: myxa_glc
SMS. +380679906509

Aeros SpeedFlyingПарашютный порталПортал парашютных новостей Парапланерный клуб - "Бриз". Коктебель.